Samurai Deeper Kyo... Un nume lung, la fel ca si restul ce apar in anime si iti ingreuneaza memoria... Are un storyline putin greoi, datorita numelor complicate, lungi si greu de retinut, a nenumaratelor schimbari de situatie dar si a unicitatii povestii, toate acestea facand aceste anime special.
It is 1604, four years after the Battle of Sekigahara, perhaps Japan's greatest civil war. The people try to recover from its aftermath and enjoy the newly attained peace. Amid such times Yuya Shiina, a roughneck girl who earns money by capturing outlaws, mistakes a roaming and peace-loving medicine seller Mibu Kyoshiro for the legendary wanted man "Onime-no-Kyo." But she soon realizes that she is wrong when she sees that Kyoshiro is just a weakling. Nevertheless, she ends up capturing Kyoshiro anyway -- he is wanted for running off without paying for a meal. As they travel together Kyoshiro tries to help Yuya catch another wanted criminal. In the process Kyoshiro is cornered. Then he mumbles, "Here he comes," and the color of his eyes turn a deep red. He pulls out his sword which he had never touched before and suddenly, Onime-no-Kyo, the legendary assassin said to have killed one thousand men with this sword, is standing there.
Onime no Kyo = Demon Eyes Kyo(denumit astfel din cauza ochiilor rosii)
Spoiler warning
Mi-au placut la nebunie schimbarile de situatie ce au aparut pe tot parcursul animeului, dar cel mai mult m-a fascinat inainte de a afla ca Kyo era parte din Kyoshiro faptul ca, Kyo, desi incerca sa isi ascunda sentimentele, totusi simtea ceva pentru Yuya.
Sfarsitul a fost cam ciudat, nestiind ce sa cred... Kyo s-a unit sau nu cu Kyoshiro... In urma scenei din ultimul episod cu bataia, cea din timpul ierni...Kyo nu a reaparut, dar, in ultima faza cand acesta rosteste "Yuya", mi s-a parut ca are vocea lui kyo... ceea ce m-a facut sa cred ca Kyoshiro si Kyo s-au reunit la fel cum au facut in ultima lor bataie, dar de data aceasta pentru totdeauna.... Nu ma asteptam la un happy ending, asta a fost alta supriza, dar ma bucur ca totul a decurs astfel.
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